Monday, December 1, 2008

Jalloo Logo

Thank you so much to EVERYONE who
participated in the contest! Great work Ladies & Gentlemen!

Juan Manuel Buenrostro #1- Finalist

Juan Manuel Buenrostro #2-Semi-Finalist

Other color versions:
Brad Lamey-Semi-Finalist
Katelynn Hicks- Semi-Finalist

Monday, November 24, 2008

Jim Carey in Beetlejuice style

Brad Lamey
Laura Charlton
Travis Green
Jessica Bannister
Stephanie Basque
Carla Marshall
Angel Dignard
Steve Cyr
Marie-Pier Mallet
Jeremie Melanson-Media Studies
Tara Audibert

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sarah Silverman

It was hard to find a picture where she
was not pointing at her butt
By request the ever classy Sarah Silverman:

Laura Charlton

Travis Green


Tara Audibert

Andrew Sullivan
Jessica Bannister
Stephanie Basque
Angel Dignard
Steve Cyr
Marie-Pier Mallet

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Jalloo Logo Contest

Design a new character for the website & promo
materials. The "JALLOO" text will be the same,
so try match your character concept with the style &

#1-Laura Charlton


#2-Zac Manuel

#3-Alex Molloy

#4-Steve Cyr

#5-Katelynn Hicks SEMI-FINALIST

#6-Jeremy Pineau


#7-Amy Girouard
#8a-Brad Lamey
#9-Aaron Comeau
#10 - James Williston-SEMI-FINALIST
#11a-Juan Manuel Buenrostro SEMI-FINALIST



#12- John Landry

#13- Carla Marshall
#14- Jessica Bannister

#15 -Travis Green