Friday, October 29, 2010

Gorillaz in the Mist..y Jersy Shore!

Posers: Cast of Jersey Shore




Style: Jamie Hewlett (Gorillaz)


Chrissi Harper

Brainy Llama

Laura Embleton




Jill Fogarty


Jacelyn McLenaghan


Mitch McQuinn


Philippe Hache


Nancy Martin


Alex Branch


Jesse Hefling


Emily Stride


Brandon Hunter


Elise Boudreau

Jerred Isaac

Jeff Doucet

Andrea Joe

Jeremie M

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Nightmare before White Stripes

Brian Lamey


Phil Hache


Jill Fogarty

Tara Audibert-Moderator

Laura Embleton


Jesse Hefling

Emily Stride


Brandon Hunter

Niguel Richard


Jacelyn McLenaghan

Jerred Isaac


Shawn Bell


Elise Boudreau

Jeff Doucet


Aggie Flam


Nancy Martin

Katie Judson

Travis G.