Monday, February 21, 2011

Lucy you gots some 'splainin' to do!

Lucille Ball


brandon hunter

Jesse the Hefling

Tara Audibert-Instructor
Samantha Branch

Jacelyn McLenaghan


Brian Lamey

Aggie Flam
Emily Stride

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Easter Card Designs

Lets see some inspired Easter Card Art

(Cards will only be created using Year 1 Artwork unless otherwise donated by artist.) ________________________________________________

Jesse Hefling


Jacelyn McLenaghan


Tara Audibert-Instructor


Brian Lamey


Alex Branch

Aggie Flam

Calendar Art-Aliens, Robots and Cyborgs!

Add your Rough Calendar Designs here:
(Year 1 Students Only for the Calendar itself.)



Emily Stride