Colin Rackham
Laura Charlton
Alumni Submission: Tania Valdron
Brad's take on Colin's Arnie
Colin Rackham
Laura Charlton
Alumni Submission: Tania Valdron
Brad's take on Colin's Arnie
Jeremy Pineau
Tara Audibert
Alumni Submission: Ryan Cole
Stephanie Basque
Kiki Gagnon
Travis Green
Jessica Bannister
Myles McCormack-Media Studies
Kristie Nutter
Brad Lamey
Andrew Sullivan
Angel Dignard
John Landry
Marie-Pier Mallet
By the way Chib, hilarious.
I really like these so far, the tassels kill me. I could really see it animated... shutter.
Great work everyone!
Get to the CHOPPAAA!!!!
Love these! All equal amounts of awesome.
Wow, I think I've seen enough Schwarzenegger to last a life time. Anyway, I think everyone did great. It's nice to see so many different styles. Kristie's really amused me.
- Laura C
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